Breaking Up With Your Ex!

After a relationship breakup, everything in the world can seem bleak and depressing. The most important thing to remember is that this is a normal reaction. Anytime anything bad happens to us, we go through a period of grieving and disappointment. A breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend is no exception.

When a relationship ends, it is perceived as a loss to most people. However, we say look at it as a new beginning.  There is the loss of a person from your life whom you’ve spent lots of time, energy, and sometimes money on. The intimacy you shared with this person now feels gone, and it’s common to think you’ll never have or sometimes even want that with another person. The bond, experience, and loss of connection you shared can make breaking up feeling like the end of the world. But it’s not! It will help if you put your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend in the proper perspective so you can move on (Perspective: Benefit To You or For You – Care For Your).

  1. Do you benefit equally from the relationship? Did you both practice open communication without reprisal for speaking your mind? Was the communication in your relationship respectful? You don’t always have to agree on everything, but at times you might have to agree to disagree and be mindful to pick your battles because you can lose the “war.”
  2. Do you both care equally for each other…feeling, thoughts, and emotions?
  3. Do you get support for your realistic dreams: career, work, business, family, and mutual respect in the relationship?
  4. Do you know each other love language and practice it to make the relationship better. If you know the types of love language, we recommend you purchase Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages.
  5. If you can recall, in the relationship, did you and your ex-love make future relationship plans and work on them often? If not, reading this blog might have given you an “Aha” moment, and realize this might not have been as serious of a relationship as you thought. 

I know it isn’t easy to let go of feelings and emotions you might feel for that person you broke with, but it’s important that you start trying as soon as possible.

You’ll get tons of advice on dealing with a relationship breakup from close friends and family alike. You’ll do everything from deleting all your pictures out of your phone to hop back on the horse and find another relationship.  Take a moment to process the loss and start down the healing journey completely.  You will need to fully process what you are feeling and then let go of the old feeling that doesn’t serve the greater good for you.  You will know when you are ready to get back out there in the dating environment.  which approach is best for you, no matter what anyone says? Don’t try something that worked for someone else if it doesn’t feel right.

Permit yourself to feel bad at first. Whenever you have a loss, you go through the same stages of grief as you do when there is a death or any end, with the degree of feeling varying from situation to situation.

  1. Denial is the first stage of loss after anything difficult, like the end of a relationship. This can’t be happening!
  2. Next, pain and guilt set in after the shock and denial start to fade.
  3. Anger comes next, as does something called bargaining. If I do this or don’t do that, maybe we can get back together. I’ll never look at another man as long as I live, if only.
  4. Anger comes next, as does something called bargaining. If I do this or don’t do that, maybe we can get back together. I’ll never look at another man as long as I live, if only.
  5. The next step is lessening depression when things seem a little better.
  6. Then comes the hard part of working through it and getting past it.
  7. After a relationship breakup or any loss, the last stage of grief is acceptance and hope for a better future.

It can help you figure out which stage you’re in and know that everyone experiences something along these lines. Not everyone will go through every stage, and they might not even be in order.

You might never start bargaining, for instance, especially if you know it’s really and truly over. But most people’s grief process will follow that general pattern. It’s important to recognize that there is a final stage, and that stage means you’ve gotten past it.

Try to put your relationship breakup into perspective with other important things that have happened and will happen in your life, and remember that you’ll eventually get to the acceptance stage, too.

Get back out there in the dating environment and try online dating. If you are a single parent, try visiting or seeking true love; click your computer mouse and go to You can choose to use many dating websites to find that new love; however, we recommend the website in this post. If your actions cause the dating or relationship and you wish to get your relationship back, we want to help you that person, so you can visit our shop and we what book you can purchase to help you date better or get your ex back: It is a strategy to show your ex-love that you are the right catch. If all fails, our bookstore can help you date better or differently in the future.

The next level in dating is most often done with the help of a date or relationship coach. We have helped thousands of people find the love of their life. However, this most likely cannot happen until you make some core changes in your limiting beliefs, take accountability for your actions, and have a compelling reason to change.  This change starts with doing the inside work on you. If you wish to get started on your journey, feel free to visit our relationship coaching page for more details: How successful you are in getting your ex-love back is related to feeling inside about yourself and relating to others. Life change starts with doing some targeted inside work!



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Breaking Up With Your Ex!

After a relationship breakup, everything in the world can seem bleak and depressing. The most important thing to remember is that this is a normal